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Malvern Basement Waterproofing

Malvern neighborhoods are dotted with a mix of older homes and new construction. The same basement issues that are present in older homes can also be found in new homes. Since 1960, Worthington Waterproofing and Basement Health Systems has helped more than 100,000 homeowners shore up common basement problems to ensure a safer, healthier home.

Our family-owned business wants to help you protect your family from mold and other issues, and our affordable services allow us to do that. Since the day we did our first job, we’ve provided the best products, expert workmanship, and unmatched customer service. That commitment to quality has earned us long-standing A+ accreditation with the Better Business Bureau and a reputation as a trusted choice for:

  • Basement Waterproofing
  • Basement Health Systems
  • Egress Solutions
  • Structural Repair

Affordable Basement Waterproofing

When it comes to basement waterproofing, there are several options available. Our certified professionals will assess your home and help you decide which will be the most effective for you. Effective Malvern basement waterproofing may include exterior drainage systems, exterior membranes, footer drains, and other solutions. You can count on our more than 50 years of experience to help us find the options that are right for you.

Malvern Basement Health Systems

Did you know that even a small amount of moisture in your basement could lead to a major mold infestation that could negatively impact your family’s health? Were you aware that the EPA estimates that 1 in 15 homes has elevated radon gas levels? These and other issues usually go undetected until there is a problem—and we’re not OK with that. Our Malvern basement health systems specialists want to help protect your family, and that’s a commitment we take seriously. We hold three certifications from the Basement Health Association, and we offer free quotes and assessments to make it easy to get started.

Egress Solutions That Meet Malvern’s Requirements

If your basement is finished, the law requires that you have at least one egress window or stairwell—but staying on the right side of the law isn’t the most compelling reason to install them. During a fire, it’s easy to become trapped in the basement with no way out. Our Malvern egress solutions, including windows and bulkhead stairwells, ensure that your family will have an easy means of escape should such a thing occur. We stay on top of local regulations, so you can be sure that your windows will meet the requirements in your area, and that you’ve taken appropriate steps to keep your family safe.

Certified Structural Repair Experts

It can be alarming to homeowners when they hear they need structural repairs to their home. We understand that, and that’s why our team of certified specialist go the extra mile on every job make sure you get the quality work you need at a fair price. We use innovative products to complete crack repairs, bowed walls, and other issues. Our Malvern structural repair services can be completed quickly and more affordably than many other solutions.

Learn More About Our Malvern Basement Health and Other Services

Ignoring issues won’t make them go away. Instead, let us take care of your small problems before they negatively impact your family’s health or lead to bigger, more expensive repairs. Contact us for more information about our services. Call Worthington Waterproofing and Basement Health Systems today, or fill out our simple online form now to request a free in-home estimate.